If you are a Mass Effect fan like myself, you must install this mod. Everything is well implemented to the style of The Sims 3. However, i cannot seem to find a download link for it, most of the one i find are dead. 4,882 users active in 24 hours 240,263 files available 1042 tutorials online 435,759 threads 4,774,409 posts. Hi everyone I have heard about kinky world a few times by now, and i have been told it is one, if not the best of all mods. It adds the famous Normandy SR2 to the game as a house that you can move in. Register now for these and more features Mod The Sims is one of the largest Sims 2, Sims 3 and Sims 4 custom content websites, providing quality free downloads, tutorials, help and modding discussions. If you are bored with the simple WooHoo in the bed, try the Sims 3 sex mods. And as our last pick, the coolest The Sims 3 mod: The Normandy SR2. Now various extravagant types of WooHoo are available, and it makes the gameplay even more interesting. We can enjoy playing new Sims 3 adult mods which open a whole new world of romance and intimacy for adults. Now you can make your created Sims' life more realistic and exciting. The whole world is always waiting for the release of new mods which make this game genuinely lifelike: weather changes, building careers, different generations, and many others. However, the simple original game cannot be compared to the one with downloaded mods. The Sims is one of the most favorite games all over the world, and it has remained the best since its first version.